Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lynyrd Skynyrd Coming Back For More With God and Guns

9-29-09. The day I've been waiting for, almost a month now. The day the new release from Lynyrd Skynyrd hit the market. The day that will go down in my history as the day I got as lucky as I've ever been in my life. In it's infinite wisdom, the powers that be at Walmart sent 1 copy of the new Lynyrd Skynyrd CD to their Big Supercenter in Rome, NY. One copy, that has been in my hands since 8:45 this morning.

It's cold, rainy and dreary here in my town. My early morning client, or I should say her dog, didn't want to stay out in it. Got done at the usual time and since I had my scrubs on and was cold, I stopped back at the house to change into something dry and warmer. The rest of Tuesday is mine so I headed out for the 20 minute trip to Rome about 10 after 8.

I hit the electronics department 1st and it wasn't there. The one reason that I went to the store in this nasty, rainy weather was not yet out of the early shipment box. I saw the box on the help desk so I just made myself look at a number of CD's that I wasn't interested in. I wanted "God and Guns" and nothing else. People kept interrupting her, the lady that was stocking the shelves. New releases from other artists were what they were looking for. Which as it turned out, was extremely lucky for me.

Something made me stay away from the new releases and in the aisle near the card marked Lynyrd Skynyrd. I watched that like a hawk and my patience paid off. I saw her find the card, pull it forward and drop my prize in it's rightful place. She wasn't yet away when I reached over and grabbed it. I thanked her and said that I'd been waiting for that CD to come out for close to a month. She laughed and said this was my lucky day as the copy I had in my hand was the only one they sent. ONE COPY???? To me, that one copy is worth it's weight in gold.

"Still Unbroken", the "Skynyrd Nation" is alive and still rockin' on. I'm shedding tears of joy.


  1. What a cool story of patience and luck. That one copy was sure destined for you.....

    Now it's time for listening....

    Enjoy it!

  2. I just read a carbon copy of this somewhere! LOL

    Happy tunes!

  3. Can you believe just 1 copy of it being sent to a store that services, in the vicinity of 50,000 people? When she said that I was just shocked.

    It's MINE and I've listened to it twice today. I'm not sure what I think of Floyd, but I love every other song on that CD.

  4. Bella,

    Yeah you did. LOL, I had to brag to those of my family who read my other blog. They too planned on buying this CD. I've never told them about this one. I may have to as I believe the other one is going to close down. NO new members are being accepted.

  5. I did the same thing yesterday, posting here and there as I thought it was Two For Tuesdays, so I gave ya'll a couple later on last night when my eyes healed up from strain a little! and not to mention I got bored and went to do my fav thing, listening to tunes! lol
