Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dear GOP I Hope You Burn In Hell

I thought that Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert were bad enough with their Muslim Brotherhood crap. As a matter of fact I have a hard time with the entire GOP/TeaParty stupidity. Fox News, Malkin, Coulter, Limbaugh and Beck leave me with a serious need to vomit when I hear anything they have to say. However, I believe I've finally heard what for me is the final straw.

Rep. Todd Akin, from the should be ashamed of itself state of Missouri, has finally made me realize that I can no longer tolerate the inhumane bullshit that passes for "Christian" Conservatism. This Akin douchebag has stated that "legitimate" rape victims cannot become pregnant because their bodies shut down during the rape. That statement is utter and complete bullshit of the worst kind. It places the stigma of being raped, not on the rapist but on the victim. I can't. I just can't.

According to statistics 5% of rape victims become pregnant. This means that of the 683,000 women raped each year 34,150 will face pregnancies. That is 93 women a DAY forced to be a vessel for some criminal's seed. Rape is a crime. Anyone perpetrating said rape is a criminal but thanks to the current Christian  Republican Party, in their total disregard for the loving spirit that is supposed to be a cornerstone for their very existence, some 93 women a day will be raped and bear the stigma of being a liar. According to Rep Todd Akin, if they become pregnant, why they weren't raped at all.

No matter what I or anyone else may say to try to disprove that statement, the current GOP will ignore the facts of the matter and continue to spew their bile. Facts no longer matter. Science doesn't matter. NOTHING matters except their warped view of what's wrong with their world and what needs to be done to fix it.


  1. I tell you truly, sometimes these tough guy Republicans and religious zealots make me feel really uncomfortable being of the same gender. It's really creepy.

    1. It's no longer just the men, it's women like Malkin and Dana Loesch. Even my own family has them. It's making me want to move to a cave somewhere and totally withdraw from the world.

  2. Sherry, I just saw the clip and posted on this bloviating asshat on my site. Now Dana Loesch is defending his original comments, like a biology teacher correcting a rowdy classroom of hecklers.

    If a candidate has "Tea Party" attached to his name in any way, shape, or form, automatically deduct 50 IQ points, assume the absolute worst, and you'll still be stunned at how much you've underestimated the idiot's ability to fit feet into his mouth.

    Personally, I think his comments should be a deal-breaker for his candidacy. No one that frigging stupid should be allowed in the U.S. Senate.

    1. Dana has finally stopped defending the bloviating asshat but only because it's been made clear to her that he blew it and the GOP doesn't feel he'll be elected. Which should tell folks all they need to know about other bloviating asshat Republicans.

  3. Such unspeakable ignorance disgusts me beyond telling. Not hard to see how the Civil War became necessary...

    1. It's all part and parcel of the effort to find ways to negate Roe V Wade. They may not be able to take back their country so they're taking back their male dominance over women.

  4. Teachers have to pass a test; doctors have to pass a test; lawyers have to pass a test - but any fool can become a Congress person or Senator or President. I am always appalled at the lack of education and actual knowledge of our 'elected' representatives.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. Sherry,
    If that idiotic statement didn't cost Akin the election - then, I don't know what would. Already Romney etal are backing away from he and his comments and he is claiming that he mis-spoke.
    This would episode of gross ignorance and callous disregard for mothers, wives, daughters, friends, ladies (young or old) shows us what people like Todd Akin are all about.

    Now, remember this when you vote...


    1. Given the state of our media people on the street, without access to the internet, have no idea what's actually occurring and whose to blame for it. I can't count the man out, I wish I could, but I can't.

  6. Rep(rehensible) Todd Akin: "I learned everything I know about women and sex from my inflatable doll."

  7. His and a whole mess of other Tea Party Republicans who seem to feel that a woman's place is in the kitchen. And the Rolling Stones are singing "Under My Thumb" in my head.
