Friday, June 29, 2012

Trees, They Really Need To Be The Right Height

Photobucket Back in 2007 when we moved here, we had no trouble getting our Dish Network satellites hooked up. Now we've lived here 5 years and for the time we've resided up in the back of that picture next to the trees, they've grown. Seriously grown. To the point where they interfere with our signals, both for the TV and the internet. There is nothing that can be done by our provider. Neither of us can cut down a 1/4 mile of trees in order to get a signal. We have service, but if anything stirs, I get a notice on my screen that my connection has been interrupted. On the TV, we have to go through the entire download of signal to the receiver and pray that nothing moves while it's making the connection. It appears that we are going to have to speak with Time Warner Cable about making the switch. This is going to be interesting. Until we moved here, this lot hadn't been used in a decade. It had been so long that the utility company had lost the record of it's existence. So, I'm assuming that the cable company would have the same problem and most likely has no idea what may, or may not be available to me to hook up to. It does appear that the residence closest to me has a connection, but that's 100 feet away. I may need to pay for installation of cable for that 100 feet. I'm not looking forward to finding out what that might cost. Hubby is so angry about losing signal in the middle of Ice Road Truckers that he keeps "ordering" me to call and cancel the satellites. He feels that he doesn't want to pay for something he can't get with any kind of regularity. Since he's the one that has to have the TV on as soon as he walks in the door, I'm not looking forward to leaving him for weeks without a signal. Which is what might happen if I do what he's "ordering" me to. I guess I'm going to have to place a call to Time Warner on Monday to see what I can find out. ****Hopefully this will post with paragraphs, Not guaranteeing anything since ever time I use HTML I seem not to keep them when I post****


  1. I haven't heard good reports on Time Warner, but when we moved back to Maine from Alaska we found that the trees around our cabin had grown to the point that we couldn't hook up to Dish. We contracted with a local cable company (Bee Line) and we are quite pleased, though the bill keeps going up. However, now I don't have to go outside in a snow storm and clear the antenna or go through the always aggravating re-connection process when the signal is lost. The only down side to our cable is cost. Lots of luck.
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. Unfortunately, Time Warner is the only game in this area. There were others, they couldn't do the job and sold out to TW. I'm hoping the installation won't cost so much I can't afford it.

  2. Better to give Hubby his fix when he walks in the door. When addictions are not satisfied, the addicted often become agitated. :^)

    1. I'm not shutting anything off until the day Time Warner connects me IF I can afford the installation. In the meantime, Hubby will just have to wait until the leaves fall from the trees. Then he can watch TV. Of course, Ice Road Truckers probably won't be on.

  3. oh how frustrating!
    I have been with time warner for a long time and its a secure connection seems to be anyway. I love Ice Road Truckers too! yeah!

    1. I have almost constant interruption in my internet. Went to your blog and haven't managed to get it all to download for me. Keep getting this "Connection has been interrupted" message. *sigh*

      Keep your fingers crossed that we have enough in the bank to cover the installation.

  4. Sherry,
    Our television and internet services here are separate by a long way. Television is either Freeview, meaning whatever we can get via antenna, or satellite, where there is one provider. Phone/internet service used to be Telecom or do without, but Telecom had to cede its monopoly so now we have competition. Geographical considerations have always precluded cable television.

    1. Trees even block Freeview here. It's going to be bite the bullet and pay the installation or go without TV and possibly internet when there are leaves on the trees. Thankfully the pines aren't where the sat dishes face. I'd be screwed completely right now if they were.

  5. We had to have three taken down in our back yard to get a signal, I think that has to be because we are at sea level as well? Who knows!
