Friday, July 29, 2011

Pictures....Because Words Fail Me

President Obama's approval rating is now down to 40% according to the daily Gallup Poll. On the plus side, the approval rating of Congress has dropped by 2% to 6%. Maybe, just maybe some of us aren't as stupid as I thought.

Nah....We're STUPID!


  1. jadedj,

    I should have added that people can click on those charts to make them readable if they can't read them the way they are.

    Gotta love the interwebz. Can find all kinds of stuff to make a point. Point being...we does.

  2. Time To Clean Out The Barn...


  3. Sarge,

    It is, isn't it?

    Got my boots, barn coat and shovel ready.

  4. Me, too.

    Looking at the llama pic reminds me of a line the comedian the Duke of Paducah (AKA Whitey Ford, but not the baseball player :D) used on hecklers: "I was born in a barn and every time I hear a jackass bray I get homesick." Bachmann does me that way--

  5. Oh imagine the Llama's surprise, meeting a human that isn't as smart as Rick Perry.

  6. Sherry:

    I think we got a trick instead of a trickle.

  7. Love the "trickle down" shot. It speaks much more than mere words.

    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. Sherry:

    Those charts are quite effective in dispelling the belief that Obama is the one responsible for most of the nation's debt.

  9. Faire,

    Actually, almost all the GOP does me that way.

  10. Fringe,

    Better yet, llama met a human that isn't as smart as a llama.

  11. Whit,

    Definitely a trick. One that made the Repubs happy until recently.

  12. Ol'Buzzard,

    I agree 100%. Sometimes pictures are worth more than 1000 words.

  13. Whit,

    Not among the GOP they aren't. The problem with propaganda is that it's hard to dispell, even with facts. It's always the 1st thing they hear that is believed.

  14. Several years ago I took my parents to the Indiana State Fair and we visited the llama competition. These animals were beautiful and trimmed like poodles. A little girl was leading her llama pasted us and Dad asked me, "Are these things any good to eat"?
    The child's look was priceless...


    Oh, hammer those friggin phones again Monday..

  15. I'm doing more than hammering the phones, I've joined a bunch of tweeters sending emails to the Rethuglicans. And flooding their timelines with my opinion. LOL
